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VIC Storms February 2024

Give what's needed

Grocery voucher - $100

Resident is 76 years old and struggling financially as a result of the Victorian Storms.

Resident is 76 years old and struggling financially. He lost power to his independent unit for 10 days during the Victorian Storm Event. During this time, he lost his stock of food. Resident wasn’t entitled to Prolonged Power Outage payment as his power is linked to his brother’s house. His brother received the payment. Residents’ wife passed away last year, and he is struggling on the one pension. While his wife was alive, they had a package which included, house cleaning, gardener, and gutter cleaning. He is now doing this himself. The resident had an accident on the ladder last week trying to clean the gutters and can’t climb the ladder again. The cleaner for the gutter is costing him $300 which he doesn’t have. Resident is hoping he could have some assistance to financially offset these costs as he is struggling. He would be incredibly grateful for anything.


Post/Courier Voucher


Yarra Glen VIC 3775

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Grocery voucher - $100


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