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School uniform jumper

Secondary students need warm, uniform-code clothes to wear to school

Secondary students need tracksuit pants and jumpers to keep warm at school during the winter. Winter days can get very cold in this area. As they get older, students grow, and need new sizing in clothes. Due to the rising cost of living, purchasing these can be difficult for a number of our families. This is a farming area, which is a fair distance from the nearest large town and, therefore, retail shops. It is also difficult to find tracksuit pants and jumpers in the correct size and colour when shopping. The school would like to have some in stock to provide to students when needed. Then students can proudly wear the uniform alongside their peers.

We are specifically seeking
- bottle green coloured tracksuit pants and jumpers (no hood). They need to be men's size large, and above.
It would be good to have ten sets, so we can give them to students. Polar fleece or spray jacket material is acceptable, as long as it can keep them warm.


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Crows Nest QLD 4355

Pledge to give this item:

School uniform jumper

Jumpers without hood. - men's size large and above
Items must be bottle green colour.


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Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


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