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Grocery voucher - $200

This man was affected by the floods and now has stage 4 cancer in his lungs.

This man was evicted from his house due to the 2022 floods in the northern rivers. He then lived in Emergency accommodation as there were no properties available before received a pod. He then was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and gave up his pod as it was too far away from his treatment.
He is now living with his parents but is struggling with payments as he cannot work as well as the increased cost of living.
UPDATE: This man has finally found a house for him and his 3 children to move in to after a long process of rebuilding his life after the floods as well as battling cancer which has returned. he is living on the disability support pension which makes it impossible to save anything after paying rent and food for the family.


Post/Courier Voucher


Goonellabah NSW 2480

Pledge to give this item:

Grocery voucher - $200

This man is struggling to supply for his family as he needs to pay rent, food, schooling and bills on a disability support pension along with medical costs due to cancer.


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