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Kitchen starter - utensils, frypan, saucepan

Young Parents have experienced homelessness and now trying to break the cycle.

Young parents, they have been homeless from 6 month mark during pregnancy. There is little support from family members and friends. When helped by 'friends' they have been taken advantage of and been left on the street with nothing, including no infant items.

The young parents have engaged with support services and are moving into a temporary home to work towards their permanent long term housing goals and break the cycle of homelessness for themselves and their child.

Mother is recovering from birth, and father wants to return to work. Homelessness has been a barrier to his success at re-entering the workforce. This family rely on Government allowance and would benefit from help to source items to begin to make a 'home' for themselves.


Drop off Pick up Post/Courier Voucher


Yarralumla ACT 2600

Pledge to give this item:

Kitchen starter - utensils, frypan, saucepan


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You are offering to purchase this item, or a voucher from a local store, and pay delivery costs to get it to the recipient's support organisation.

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I can send this item Australia-wide

I can purchase a voucher and email it to the organisation

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How to donate

Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


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If you choose to FUND it, GIVIT will buy it on your behalf and your donation over $2 is tax deductible

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