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Need help?

GIVIT helps thousands of Australians in need every year by providing items, services and vouchers. GIVIT helps people impacted by natural disasters, domestic and family violence or homelessness, First Nations Australians, people living with disability or mental ill-health, and much more.


How to get help through GIVIT

To access donated items or services through GIVIT, please connect with a support organisation registered with GIVIT that can assess your needs and provide assistance. This organisation can then place a request on GIVIT on your behalf. Click here for more information on how to get support through GIVIT.

To find relevant organisations in your area, simply use the search fields below. Support organisations working with GIVIT that require anonymity will not be listed below.

In addition to the search function below, at the bottom of this page is a list of organisations and services that may be able to support you, depending on what you're experiencing. This includes disaster and emergency recovery support.

Organisations & charities

Are you an organisation in need of donations for people you support?

Register to use GIVIT

Find a registered organisation in your area






Australian Community Support Organisation - Queensland Program

We are an important part of the criminal justice system and we help people change their behaviours so that they can get their life back on track and stay out of prison. Head office is in Richmond, Victoria. Queensland program is known as CREST - a regionally based prisoner re-entry program focusing on success on parole.

Fortitude Valley QLD 4006


Australian Community Support Organisation (ACSO)

ACSO - Australian Community Support Organisation. We are a not-for-profit organisation. We aspire to create a safe and inclusive community freed of crime and prison. Our goal is simple, to give people opportunites to rebuild their lives and reintegrate succesfully back into society. The CREST program is delivered in South East Queensland region and is focusing on success on parole. Client's of the CREST's Post Release Managed Stream (PRMS) receive three months support from day of release whilst completing parole. Clients are allocated a Forensic Case Worker for the duration of their support perioed who will work in partnership with the client to identify their needs/risks and develop an individual re-entry plan to assist with successful reintegration.

Beenleigh QLD 4207


Australian Disability Ltd

Australian Disability is a charitable organisation dedicated to fairness, dignity and equality for people with disabilities to enable their full participation in our Australian society.

We were founded in 2012 based on the principle that discrimination and stigma but also the culture towards disability have to change and be reshaped and owned by people living with the daily effects, positive and negative, of disability.

It is only through an authentic conversation about disability affairs, only then is the dialogue created and the catalyst for change ignited and given an avenue to ignite social advancement.

​Aims and Purpose:

To support the development of new technologies that improve the quality of life and the independence of persons living with a disability

To provide persons with a disability with a forum through which they can express their views on government policies and other matters of relevance to their disability

To support and enable fair and unbiased media representation of disability-related issues, through the development of news and original content

To provide community-wide education on disability-related issues so as to reduce the instances of discrimination suffered by persons with a disability

To establish an online community that encourages greater interaction between disabled and able-bodied people

To promote the concept of ‘disability’ as a strong, healthy form of identity.

Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation

Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation provides programs to young people 8-18 years experiencing family mental illness with the aim of empowering them to build resilience, lifelong knowledge and connections, so they can reach their potential. We provide evidence-based, age appropriate prevention and early intervention mental health services, embedded within a peer-based social and activity based format. Children attend camps, fun activity days and online Connect chat sessions featuring mental health education.

Various locations around Australia


Australian Mercy - G'day Farmer

Australian Mercy is an Australian National charity and international aid & development agency. It is a public benevolent institution that is registered with the ATO and the ACNC.
G'day Farmer is a project under Australian Mercy that endeavours to provide relief to farmers (and people in farming communities) who are doing it tough due to adverse circumstances.
We provide volunteer assistance to farmers who may be facing health, financial or practical difficulties thus struggling to maintain their properties.
Currently we are gifting outfitted wind, water & vermin proof shipping containers as temporary accommodation to those who lost their homes in the tragic fires of 2019/2020.

Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights

The Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights is an organisation of Muslim women working to advance the rights and status of Muslim women in Australia. We believe that Muslim women must be the impetus for change in their status as citizens. We are a non-religious organisation reflecting the cultural, linguistic and sectarian diversity within the Muslim community. As an organisation committed to Muslim women and human rights, we will not remain silent when Islam is used to undermine the status of Muslim women but will intervene in these instances with facts and informed analysis.

Clifton Hill VIC 3068


Australian NPC Disease Foundation Inc

Here at the ANPDF, we aim to change the story of "go home and make memories". We want to take action against the terrible and fatal reality of Childhood Dementia caused by Niemann-Pick disease.

The Australian NPC Disease Foundation supports all those impacted by Niemann-Pick disease in Australia through emotional and financial support. The ANPDF also funds research for a cure of Niemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) conducted in Melbourne, Australia.

Various locations around Australia

T 0420985510



Australian Pain Management Association Inc.

The Australian Pain Management Association Inc. (APMA) is a health charity which was established in 2009 because there weren't any community services for the more than 3.2 million Australians living with pain. APMA is the consumer health organisation for all Australians who live with pain. APMA is your voice.

We aim to enhance the wellbeing of all Australians living with chronic pain through guided pain management, involving your pain team. This is reflected in the goals of the National Pain Strategy which APMA actively supports. APMA is entirely self-funded and relies on memberships, donations and sponsorships to meet some of the enormous needs of people with severe chronic pain.


APMA provides a telephone helpline service, pain support groups, develops resources, delivers training and champions improvements in pain health and community care.

Woolloongabba QLD 4102


Australian Red Cross - ACT

Whether it's a major natural disaster or a personal crisis in your own home, Red Cross is there to give immediate and practical help with disaster relief and recovery.

Reaching people in remote places around the world rapidly to provide shelter, food and medical help provides a lifeline. Reaching out to those cut off by flood waters and fire at home reassures and sustains.

Re-connecting families or finding out the fate of loved ones torn apart by war or disaster lets people get on with their lives. A hot meal for someone living rough means making a connection when it seems no one else is there to help.

We are among the first to arrive and last to leave when disaster strikes, and an important part of our local communities every day.

Australian Red Cross - Birth Family Advocacy Support Service

Supports and educates families involved in the child protection system. This includes helping them understand the child protection process in the ACT so that they can make informed decisions for their family and the children, and helping them through the ACT Children's Court process

Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all

Australian Red Cross - Coffs Harbour

supporting people in need

Coffs Harbour NSW 2450


Australian Red Cross - Community and Social Enterprise

The Community and Social Enterprises Program encompasses a suite of programs such as social enterprise development, youth engagement, homelessness, and indigenous community work.

Australian Red Cross - Community Programs Perth WA

Community Programmes, Private Tenancy Support

East Perth WA 6004


Australian Red Cross - Emergency Relief - VIC

Red Cross provides financial or material assistance to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants who are suffering financial hardship.
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.

Carlton VIC 3053


Australian Red Cross - Emergency Relief NSW

Emergency financial assistance to help people meet their basic needs, like food, medicine or shelter.

This support is for people who do not have access to Commonwealth income support (including SRSS, Special Benefits and Job Seeker).

Australian Red Cross - Emergency Services NSW

The Red Cross Emergency Services is a volunteer led program that aims to support individuals and communities to prepare for, cope with and manage the psychological impacts of emergencies and disasters. We also provide resources and training.

Various locations around Australia

T 1800733276



Australian Red Cross - Homelessness Service Hub

Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.

Aitkenvale QLD 4814


Australian Red Cross - Humanitarian Settlement Program - Wollongong

Humanitarian Support Program for newly arrived humanitarian entrants and refugees.
We support the above named with settlement service and full integration into the Australian lifestyle as we know it and to the best of our ability.

Wollongong NSW 2500

T (02) 8383 7555


Australian Red Cross - Humanitarian Settlement Program - Garran

Red Cross in the Humanitarian Settlement Program offers refugees a safe and welcoming introduction as they begin their new lives here. This work is important to us because we know that people can thrive when they're given a fair go. We help people learn about their new communities and help people connect to local services like Medicare, schools and other community services.

Garran ACT 2605


Australian Red Cross - Kalgoorlie

Red Cross mobilises the power of humanity to bring people and communities together in times of need and builds on community strengths to achieve the following outcomes.

Boulder WA 6432


Australian Red Cross - Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels provides a range of healthy and nutritious frozen and fresh meals delivered to your door. Our service is more than just a meal. Our friendly volunteers will also check in on you when they deliver your meals - they stop and say 'hi' and check how you're doing.

Australian Red Cross - Meals on Wheels

Holder ACT 2611


Australian Red Cross - Migration Support Program - East Perth

Red Cross provides help and support to refugees, people seeking asylum, people in immigration detention and other people who are vulnerable as a result of migration.

Our Migration Support Programs protect and uphold the health, dignity and wellbeing of vulnerable migrants in Australia. We assist clients to build the skills and knowledge they need to become self-reliant and contributing members of our society.

Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.

East Perth WA 6004


Australian Red Cross - Migration Support Program - North Melbourne

The Victorian Migration Support Program at the Red Cross provides emergency relief and casework to asylum seekers as well as people who have been trafficked. These groups of people are especially vulnerable. Asylum seekers receive very limited financial support and it is difficult for them to meet their most basic of needs.

Australian Red Cross - Migration Support Program - QLD

Australian Red Cross Migration Support Program assists people seeking asylum with emergency relief and material aid as well as employment support.

Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.

Aitkenvale QLD 4814


Australian Red Cross - Narooma

Community organisation working for humanity

Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.

Narooma NSW 2546


Frequently asked questions

Dedicated support services

In addition to the search function above that allows you to identify relevant organisations near you, listed below are a range of organisations, services and government resources that may be able to help you.

Some of these organisations may not be registered with GIVIT. We’ve compiled the list below to ensure you get relevant and tailored support for your situation, regardless of whether that includes donated items and services through GIVIT.

You can use the search function above to check if an organisation listed below is registered with GIVIT.

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.


Disaster and emergency recovery

If a natural disaster or emergency event has impacted you, please visit your state or territory government’s disaster support page to see what assistance is available, including disaster payments, grants and financial aid.

Queensland Government

Victoria Government

New South Wales Government

Western Australia Government

South Australia Government

Northern Territory Government

Tasmania Government

Australian Capital Territory Government

You can also access information via national resources - National Emergency Management Authority and Services Australia.


Domestic and family violence

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.

If you have experienced or are at risk of family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault, contact the National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). 1800 RESPECT is also contactable via text, online chat or video call and is available 24 hours.


Financial hardship

The National Debt Helpine provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling via phone or live chat, Monday to Friday. You can call them on 1800 007 007.

Mob Strong Debt Helpline is a free advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They can be contacted on 1800 808 488, Monday to Friday.



If you’re experiencing or at risk of homelessness, you can find homeless shelters near you by searching on the Ask Izzy website.

Your state or territory government can also help. Listed below are the options by state or territory.

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia


Mental health, depression or anxiety

If you or someone else’s life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000.

You can access 24/7 crisis support by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. You can also contact Lifeline via text or online chat.

You can talk to a counsellor 24/7 through Beyond Blue. You can also access brief counselling with Beyond Blue via online chat.

If you’re a young person aged 12-25, you can talk to a trained clinician, you can contact Headspace 7 days a week between 9am and 1pm by calling 1800 650 890 or via online chat.


First Nations Australians

If you’re a First Nations Australian and you are going through a tough time, you can call 13YARN (13 92 76) to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis supporter.


Children or young people experiencing hardship

Children and young people aged 5 – 25 can access support through Kids Helpline by calling 1800 55 1800 or through online chat 24/7.


People living with disability

The Disability Gateway is an Australian Government service to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers find the support they need. They can be contacted on 1800 643 787, Monday to Friday.


Refugees and asylum seekers

If you’re a refugee or asylum seeker and you need help, you can contact the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre on 03 9326 6066 Monday to Friday for support.


People struggling with addiction

The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline is a 24/7 service that provides free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs. You can call them on 1800 250 015.

Alternatively, Alcohol & Drug Counselling Online offers 24/7 online chat counselling.

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