Need help?
GIVIT helps thousands of Australians in need every year by providing items, services and vouchers. GIVIT helps people impacted by natural disasters, domestic and family violence or homelessness, First Nations Australians, people living with disability or mental ill-health, and much more.
How to get help through GIVIT
To access donated items or services through GIVIT, please connect with a support organisation registered with GIVIT that can assess your needs and provide assistance. This organisation can then place a request on GIVIT on your behalf. Click here for more information on how to get support through GIVIT.
To find relevant organisations in your area, simply use the search fields below. Support organisations working with GIVIT that require anonymity will not be listed below.
In addition to the search function below, at the bottom of this page is a list of organisations and services that may be able to support you, depending on what you're experiencing. This includes disaster and emergency recovery support.
Australian Red Cross - Northern NSW
We save lives and support people before and after disasters strike. We work to alleviate suffering during wars and conflict and promote the laws of war. And we work to assist our most vulnerable community members – no matter their circumstances.
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.
Australian Red Cross - NT
We work to assist our most vulnerable community members – no matter their circumstances.
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.
Casuarina NT 0810
Australian Red Cross - Private Tenancy Support Service
Red Cross assists people who are living in private rentals and are at risk of eviction and homelessness. Tenancy Support Officers provide strengths based case management to assist individuals and families to stabilise their tenancies through referrals, life skills development and assisting them to participate in education, employment and training opportunities. Trained case workers support tenants for a period of up to four months to develop long term solutions and identify and address underlying causes of their issues.
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.
Osborne Park WA 6017
Australian Red Cross - QLD Emergency Services
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all
Australian Red Cross - Queensland Volunteering
Red Cross mobilises the power of humanity to bring people and communities together in times of need and builds on community strengths to achieve the required outcomes in Emergency Services, Migration Support, Community Programs and International Humanitarian Law.
Australian Red Cross - Seroja Program
We are a movement of people, we help Australians act for humanity. Each in our own way, and together with communities and partners, we give each action a far greater impact. When disasters strike, we're on the ground and on the phones. We help people find shelter, find support, and find their loved ones.
Moonyoonooka WA 6532
Australian Red Cross - South West Sydney & Southern Highlands (NSW)
Support local people who reside in South West Sydney & Southern Highlands regions. We also provide Volunteers services to elderly people who reside in Aged Care Facilities or are on a Home Care Package (provided by Federal Government)
Australian Red Cross - Street to Home
The Street To Home Program supports people who are sleeping rough or experiencing chronic homelessness in the Townsville area to move into stable long term housing
Aitkenvale QLD 4814
Australian Red Cross - Support for Trafficked People Program - Milton
Support for trafficked people including people who have experienced serious exploitation such as human trafficking, forced labour or forced marriage.
Milton QLD 4064
Australian Red Cross - Townsville Wellbeing Centre
ARC Wellbeing Centre support those coming from regional areas with accommodation whilst they receive medical treatment. Our site hosts a number of community based programs that support persons in a correctional setting and Families in the community. We work along side our sister site the Homelessness Hub.
Australian Red Cross - Wagga Wagga
Services: International aid, international humanitarian law, Migration support, Emergency management, Blood donation, Community services, Social inclusion
The Australian Red Cross is a leading humanitarian aid and community services charity in Australia.
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all.
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Australian Red Cross Emergency Services Tweed Byron
The Red Cross Emergency Services is a volunteer led program that aims to support individuals and communities to prepare for, cope with and manage the psychological impacts of emergencies and disasters. We also provide resources and training.
Various locations around Australia
Australian Red Cross Homestay Program - Toowoomba
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all
Toowoomba QLD 4350
Australian Red Cross Homestay Program - Townsville
Our program assists clients to either access or maintain sustainable, affordable accommodation
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all
Australian Red Cross HSP - Albury
Red Cross Humanitarian Settlement Program assists newly arrived refugee families to establish themselves in their first 12 months in the country.
We work with newly-arrived families to build on their strengths and support their needs. This includes through:
◾ set up their new homes and provide relevant orientation to the local community and services.
◾connect to local services like Medicare, schools and other community networks
◾link with job and volunteering opportunities.
◾Specialised and intensive services for people with complex needs.

Australian Red Cross Young Parent's Program
The Young Parent's Program vision is to ensure that every young parent has the opportunity to develop as a parent, and every child grows and develops to their full potential in a safe and nurturing environment. They do this through utilising an integrated program model that takes into account histories of trauma, YPP facilitates family preservation, creating a foundation for young parents with complex needs to develop independent living and parenting skills, and ensure best possible outcomes for children and families. This includes intensive case management, parenting education, vocational training and housing support.
Working towards the vision of human dignity, peace, safety and wellbeing for all
Australian Regional and Remote Community Services Ltd
Australian Regional and Remote Community Services (ARRCS) provide care and support to people and their communities, throughout the Northern Territory and beyond.
We provide support to people from Darwin to Docker River, with Aged and Disability Services, Mental Health support, Childcare and Community Care Services, Residential Aged Care and School Nutrition Programs. We take a holistic approach to enabling the communities we work within. A deep respect for all elders and Aboriginal cultures is at the heart of our work.
Tiwi NT 0810

The purposes of the association are to champion for international student employability through networking, influencing and advocating for international students. The main focus of the group is to support professionals from the sector, collaborate to reach shared goaland to advocate for international students.
Autism Camp Australia
Autism Camp Australia (ACA) is a registered Australian charity whose mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of Autistic young people and their families through the provision of accessible and supported life skills development. We do this through an experiential learning and capacity building camp program held over 4 days/5 nights, 10 times a year at each of our locations. The camps are for the whole family, with programs for the Autistic young person, siblings and parents/carers.
ACA’s experiential learning camp program helps form an initial engagement for many isolated Autistic young people based on the power of existing interests and works as a stepping-stone to mainstream inclusive social and community participation. We recognise neurodiversity as a way of thinking that supports our young people to grow into confident and happy adults.
Various locations around Australia
Autism Queensland Limited
Autism Queensland (AQ) is the state’s peak autism body and delivers targeted evidence-informed services that support autistic adults and children to live a life of participation, opportunity and choice.
The organisation has a proud tradition of person-centred practice, and our team of allied health professionals, educators, learning facilitators and other specialists deliver services across Queensland. We also operate an accredited, independent autism-friendly school with campuses in Brisbane, at Sunnybank Hills and Brighton, and Cairns.
AQ also conducts research and partners with universities to better understand autism, improve outcomes for children and adults, and inform future directions of programs.
Avalon Centre
Avalon offers a service that attempts to meet the unmet needs of the homeless and disadvantaged through its clothes distribution programme, which allows people to choose their own clothes and have bedding, toiletries and sanitary products available to them. We travel most days through the CBD, Dandenong and Footscray areas distributing to the homeless and disadvantaged.
Our mission statement is "To help where we can, when we can and in whatever way we can".
Malvern East VIC 3145
Aveley Secondary College
Secondary High School providing education for Years 7 through to 12.
Avon Community Services
Avon Community Services is a Not for Profit Organisation delivering Housing and Youth Services in the Wheatbelt. ACS are committed to delivering services in a meaningful manner, to enhance the lives of the people we assist.
Northam WA 6401
Awaken City Church
Awaken City Church provides spiritual, material, financial, pastoral and relief services, care, support, training and outreach to individuals, families and those experiencing poverty, distress, disadvantage, disability and/or homelessness in the community. We bring the visible, tangible, and practical expressions of our Christian faith to all members of the community through all our Awaken City Church activities.

BABI Youth & Family Service
As the leading youth and family services provider in the Wynnum/Redlands region, BABI has been responding to the needs of young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness since the early 1980s.
Our major programs are supported accommodation (for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness), youth support, family support (for young parents and parents of teenagers) and youth development and engagement.
Frequently asked questions
To receive donated items, services or vouchers through GIVIT, you must first connect with a relevant support organisation who can assess your needs and provide assistance. This organisation can then place a request(s) on GIVIT on your behalf.
To find relevant organisations in your area, use the search fields and filters above. Once you’ve input your filters, make sure you click ‘FIND AN ORGANISATION’ to find relevant organisations.
Thousands of organisations across Australia are registered with GIVIT, working across a variety of causes, hardships and demographics. Our priority is to respect and maintain the privacy, safety, dignity and independence of people reaching out for help. By connecting with a relevant support organisastion, your needs can be assessed and verified, and you can receive tailored support, which may include the organisation requesting items or services on your behalf through GIVIT.
The support organisation that is assisting you can request a range of donated items and services through GIVIT on your behalf. This may include furniture, household items, whitegoods and appliances. You can also request baby items, toiletries, toys and educational supplies, kid’s or adult’s clothing, digital devices like mobile phones or laptops.
GIVIT may also be able to help you buy groceries, fuel or medication in the form of vouchers. You can check our ‘What’s needed’ list for an idea of what can be requested through GIVIT.
Your requests may be filled through a donor donating the money needed to purchase the item new, or through a donor donating the actual item or service.
Your support organisation can also request time and skills such as tradespeople, cleaners, health and social support, tutoring and transport assistance.
See GIVIT’s Prohibited List for details of what can’t be requested through GIVIT.
We recommend you speak with the support organisation that you’re working with. They may not be registered with GIVIT, or they may not have placed your request yet.
Please note that there is no guarantee that your request for donated items or services will be met. We’d love to meet every request placed on GIVIT, but your request being filled is dependent on donation(s) being made by donor(s).
Dedicated support services
In addition to the search function above that allows you to identify relevant organisations near you, listed below are a range of organisations, services and government resources that may be able to help you.
Some of these organisations may not be registered with GIVIT. We’ve compiled the list below to ensure you get relevant and tailored support for your situation, regardless of whether that includes donated items and services through GIVIT.
You can use the search function above to check if an organisation listed below is registered with GIVIT.
If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.
Disaster and emergency recovery
If a natural disaster or emergency event has impacted you, please visit your state or territory government’s disaster support page to see what assistance is available, including disaster payments, grants and financial aid.
Australian Capital Territory Government
You can also access information via national resources - National Emergency Management Authority and Services Australia.
Domestic and family violence
If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.
If you have experienced or are at risk of family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault, contact the National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). 1800 RESPECT is also contactable via text, online chat or video call and is available 24 hours.
Financial hardship
The National Debt Helpine provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling via phone or live chat, Monday to Friday. You can call them on 1800 007 007.
Mob Strong Debt Helpline is a free advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They can be contacted on 1800 808 488, Monday to Friday.
If you’re experiencing or at risk of homelessness, you can find homeless shelters near you by searching on the Ask Izzy website.
Your state or territory government can also help. Listed below are the options by state or territory.
Mental health, depression or anxiety
If you or someone else’s life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000.
You can access 24/7 crisis support by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. You can also contact Lifeline via text or online chat.
You can talk to a counsellor 24/7 through Beyond Blue. You can also access brief counselling with Beyond Blue via online chat.
If you’re a young person aged 12-25, you can talk to a trained clinician, you can contact Headspace 7 days a week between 9am and 1pm by calling 1800 650 890 or via online chat.
First Nations Australians
If you’re a First Nations Australian and you are going through a tough time, you can call 13YARN (13 92 76) to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis supporter.
Children or young people experiencing hardship
Children and young people aged 5 – 25 can access support through Kids Helpline by calling 1800 55 1800 or through online chat 24/7.
People living with disability
The Disability Gateway is an Australian Government service to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers find the support they need. They can be contacted on 1800 643 787, Monday to Friday.
Refugees and asylum seekers
If you’re a refugee or asylum seeker and you need help, you can contact the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre on 03 9326 6066 Monday to Friday for support.
People struggling with addiction
The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline is a 24/7 service that provides free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs. You can call them on 1800 250 015.
Alternatively, Alcohol & Drug Counselling Online offers 24/7 online chat counselling.