Need help?
GIVIT helps thousands of Australians in need every year by providing items, services and vouchers. GIVIT helps people impacted by natural disasters, domestic and family violence or homelessness, First Nations Australians, people living with disability or mental ill-health, and much more.
How to get help through GIVIT
To access donated items or services through GIVIT, please connect with a support organisation registered with GIVIT that can assess your needs and provide assistance. This organisation can then place a request on GIVIT on your behalf. Click here for more information on how to get support through GIVIT.
To find relevant organisations in your area, simply use the search fields below. Support organisations working with GIVIT that require anonymity will not be listed below.
In addition to the search function below, at the bottom of this page is a list of organisations and services that may be able to support you, depending on what you're experiencing. This includes disaster and emergency recovery support.
Anglicare FFA - Southwest Region
Food and Financial Assistance
Liverpool NSW 2170
Anglicare Foster and Kinship - Gympie
Anglicare Foster and Kinship Gympie are contracted to provide placements for 107 children as well as an additional 13 placement with high level support. We are contracted by the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women. Anglicare is a not for profit organisation support some of the most vulnerable children as well as the volunteer carers who support them 24/7.
Anglicare Foster and Kinship Care - Maroochydore
We support foster and kinship carers who provide children and young people in care with safe and loving homes
Maroochydore QLD 4558
Anglicare IFS and SFS - Gympie
Anglicare Intensive and Secondary Family Support Services supporting vulnerable and marginalised children and families to prevent them from entering the child protection system
Gympie QLD 4570
Anglicare North Coast
Provides a range of community services to disadvantaged persons on the north coast of NSW.
Grafton NSW 2460
Anglicare North Queensland - Cairns
Anglicare North Queensland Limited (AnglicareNQ) is based in Cairns and delivers a broad range of human services across north and far north Queensland. Services delivered include housing and homelessness, social and emotional wellbeing and support, out of home care, youth support, public intoxication, pathways to education, training and employment and community support. AnglicareNQ works in partnership with government at local, state and federal levels and the business sector across local to national organisations. AnglicareNQ works with its many partners and collaborators to in the achievement of its mission, "AnglicareNQ through effective delivery of its services strives to achieve social justice for all and provide opportunities for people in need in our community to reach fullness in life in response to Christian faith."
AnglicareNQ supports people within local communities across all age groups. It operates a number of Food Banks with a devoted team of volunteers.
Cairns QLD 4870

Anglicare NT
Anglicare NT is a local community services organisation that supports people, strengthens communities and advocates for social justice in the Northern Territory.
Anglicare NT - Housing Support Services
Anglicare NT has a long history of providing support to people experiencing homelessness in Alice Springs. Transitional housing program provides short to medium term transitional accommodation to individuals and families who are experiencing crisis and homelessness. Holistic case management and tenancy skills development training is provided to tenants for a path way into the public housing or private rental.
Alice Springs NT 0870
Anglicare SFS - Sunshine Coast
Anglicare Secondary Family Support Services supporting vulnerable and marginalised children and families to prevent them from entering the child protection system
Anglicare Southern Queensland - Children and Parenting Program
Children and Parenting Program for families with a child from ages 0 –12 who experience stress due to emotional, physical or economic change. Provide regular face-to-face appointments, at a time and place convenient for you, and work with you over a three to six month period to identify your goals, offer you support and advice on parenting and the daily hassles facing all parents, strengthen skills and develop relationships.
Inala QLD 4077
Anglicare Southern Queensland - Intensive Bail Initiative
Anglicare Southern Queensland offers youth justice support in South-East Queensland for young people, generally aged 10 to 17, who have been involved in the youth justice system. Within our program we have Our Intensive Family Partnership which includes regular and emergency counselling support, motivational assistance, as well as guidance and practical parenting advice and supports for
family members.
Anglicare Southern Queensland - Manly
Whether it is providing nursing care and domestic assistance in the home, physiotherapy to enable the return of mobility, accommodation for victims of domestic violence, working with foster carers in the care of vulnerable children, a safe caring environment for the elderly, skills training for young unemployed people or parental education and counselling, our long history of quality care is reflected through all that we do.
We will continue to connect with people at every stage of their life journey responding with compassion and humility, recognising the uniqueness of all individuals and advocating for the most vulnerable in our community.
Lota QLD 4179
Anglicare Southern Queensland - Webber House
Anglicare Southern Queensland is an Anglican not-for-profit organisation committed to social and community welfare issues and aged and community care needs, focusing on disadvantaged members of our community.
Anglicare Southern Queensland support children in out of home care who are placed with Foster and Kinship Carer's and Small Group Homes as well as support families in the home to care for their children.
Brisbane QLD 4000
Anglicare SQ - A Place To Belong
Our dream is that people who live with mental health challenges will be able to find places of welcome, respect and inclusion. A Place to Belong is a small group working to build networks of support and friendship, so that people who have been marginalised can experience inclusion, acceptance, friendship and respect.
West End QLD 4101
Anglicare SQ - Alina
Anglicare Southern Queensland’s story began 150 years ago in Brisbane, with the determination and pioneering spirit of five ladies who founded the Female and Infants Refuge in Ann Street. From those humble beginnings, our commitment to care and to always be there for the most vulnerable in our community extends today to one in thirty Queenslanders.
Anglicare SQ - Children and Families - Logan
We are a foster carer agency that recruits, trains, assesses and supports foster carers to care for vulnerable children in the foster care system.
Underwood QLD 4119
Anglicare SQ - Homelessness Services - Women & Families
Support Accommodation for women and children at risk of homelessness.
Anglicare homelessness service for women and Families. We work with single women over the age of 18 who are currently experiencing homelessness. The accommodation provided is short term emergency accommodation and we support the women to link into other services and support them in gaining longer term housing through dept. of housing or community housing programmes.
We also work with young women aged 16-25 who are pregnant or parenting. We again work with them around finding longer term housing options and moving on from homelessness.
Toowong QLD 4066
Anglicare SQ - Mental Health and Family Wellbeing - Roma
Family support services and emergency relief.
Anglicare SQ In-SYNC Youth Services - Beenleigh
Our service offers temporary accommodation for young people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless, (16-18). We also offer living skills training, counselling, family mediation , and support. We also offer transitional accommodation.
Beenleigh QLD 4207
Anglicare Victoria - Broadmeadows
Anglicare Victoria finds solutions for children in need, creates opportunities for young people, and provides tools and support for families to stay together.
Broadmeadows VIC 3047
Anglicare Victoria - Lilydale
Community Services - Family Services, Foster Care, Family Violence, Drug and Alcohol, Youth Services and Emergency Relief
Lilydale VIC 3140
Anglicare Victoria - Storm and Flood Recovery
Storm & Flood Recovery Financial Counselling Team
Anglicare Victoria - Warrnambool
Emergency Relief support and community development programs aimed at supporting disadvantaged and isolated people
Anglicare Victoria Bushfire Recovery Financial Counselling
Providing Financial Counselling to Bush Fire affected people in the East Gippsland region. We cover the area from Mallacoota to Omeo to Bairnsdale.
Bairnsdale VIC 3875
Anglicare WA
AnglicareWA is a not for profit community service organisation. We support people, families and their communities to cope with the challenges of life by building their resilience and capacity. We assist people with relationship issues, financial problems, and housing difficulties. Ultimately, we want our clients to thrive in today’s society.
We work with people from all walks of life – from Kununurra in the north to Albany in the south, from street corners to the halls of Parliament. We seek to influence policy makers and are widely respected for our expertise, leadership and capacity to drive positive and lasting change.
Our philosophy is to support people through each stage of life’s journey. Our services are available to all members of the community and our work is achieved in a spirit of reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Western Australians.
East Perth WA 6004
Frequently asked questions
To receive donated items, services or vouchers through GIVIT, you must first connect with a relevant support organisation who can assess your needs and provide assistance. This organisation can then place a request(s) on GIVIT on your behalf.
To find relevant organisations in your area, use the search fields and filters above. Once you’ve input your filters, make sure you click ‘FIND AN ORGANISATION’ to find relevant organisations.
Thousands of organisations across Australia are registered with GIVIT, working across a variety of causes, hardships and demographics. Our priority is to respect and maintain the privacy, safety, dignity and independence of people reaching out for help. By connecting with a relevant support organisastion, your needs can be assessed and verified, and you can receive tailored support, which may include the organisation requesting items or services on your behalf through GIVIT.
The support organisation that is assisting you can request a range of donated items and services through GIVIT on your behalf. This may include furniture, household items, whitegoods and appliances. You can also request baby items, toiletries, toys and educational supplies, kid’s or adult’s clothing, digital devices like mobile phones or laptops.
GIVIT may also be able to help you buy groceries, fuel or medication in the form of vouchers. You can check our ‘What’s needed’ list for an idea of what can be requested through GIVIT.
Your requests may be filled through a donor donating the money needed to purchase the item new, or through a donor donating the actual item or service.
Your support organisation can also request time and skills such as tradespeople, cleaners, health and social support, tutoring and transport assistance.
See GIVIT’s Prohibited List for details of what can’t be requested through GIVIT.
We recommend you speak with the support organisation that you’re working with. They may not be registered with GIVIT, or they may not have placed your request yet.
Please note that there is no guarantee that your request for donated items or services will be met. We’d love to meet every request placed on GIVIT, but your request being filled is dependent on donation(s) being made by donor(s).
Dedicated support services
In addition to the search function above that allows you to identify relevant organisations near you, listed below are a range of organisations, services and government resources that may be able to help you.
Some of these organisations may not be registered with GIVIT. We’ve compiled the list below to ensure you get relevant and tailored support for your situation, regardless of whether that includes donated items and services through GIVIT.
You can use the search function above to check if an organisation listed below is registered with GIVIT.
If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.
Disaster and emergency recovery
If a natural disaster or emergency event has impacted you, please visit your state or territory government’s disaster support page to see what assistance is available, including disaster payments, grants and financial aid.
Australian Capital Territory Government
You can also access information via national resources - National Emergency Management Authority and Services Australia.
Domestic and family violence
If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.
If you have experienced or are at risk of family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault, contact the National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). 1800 RESPECT is also contactable via text, online chat or video call and is available 24 hours.
Financial hardship
The National Debt Helpine provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling via phone or live chat, Monday to Friday. You can call them on 1800 007 007.
Mob Strong Debt Helpline is a free advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They can be contacted on 1800 808 488, Monday to Friday.
If you’re experiencing or at risk of homelessness, you can find homeless shelters near you by searching on the Ask Izzy website.
Your state or territory government can also help. Listed below are the options by state or territory.
Mental health, depression or anxiety
If you or someone else’s life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000.
You can access 24/7 crisis support by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. You can also contact Lifeline via text or online chat.
You can talk to a counsellor 24/7 through Beyond Blue. You can also access brief counselling with Beyond Blue via online chat.
If you’re a young person aged 12-25, you can talk to a trained clinician, you can contact Headspace 7 days a week between 9am and 1pm by calling 1800 650 890 or via online chat.
First Nations Australians
If you’re a First Nations Australian and you are going through a tough time, you can call 13YARN (13 92 76) to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis supporter.
Children or young people experiencing hardship
Children and young people aged 5 – 25 can access support through Kids Helpline by calling 1800 55 1800 or through online chat 24/7.
People living with disability
The Disability Gateway is an Australian Government service to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers find the support they need. They can be contacted on 1800 643 787, Monday to Friday.
Refugees and asylum seekers
If you’re a refugee or asylum seeker and you need help, you can contact the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre on 03 9326 6066 Monday to Friday for support.
People struggling with addiction
The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline is a 24/7 service that provides free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs. You can call them on 1800 250 015.
Alternatively, Alcohol & Drug Counselling Online offers 24/7 online chat counselling.