Crucial support for NSW drought affected-communities
GIVIT has donated much needed donations to seven regional drought affected areas throughout New South Wales, after meeting with local charities and hearing how farmers and residents have been affected by ongoing drought conditions. Areas such as Gulargambone, Coonamble, Walgett, Lightning Ridge, Goodooga, Bourke and Nyngan all received items provided by GIVIT’s generous donors who are well aware of the struggles regional communities have been facing for the past few years.
Since August 2018, GIVIT has coordinated the donation of more than 140,000 items across drought-affected regions. In NSW, GIVIT has supported 300 charities and community groups working with residents in drought-affected regions from Broken Hill and Bourke to the Riverina.
Here's how you can help
There are many more items and services needed to continue supporting people and communities impacted by drought. You can donate now, and find out more about GIVIT’s NSW Drought Relief Appeal. Thank you!

We're providing many GIVIT donations; local butcher and grocery store vouchers for community groups, school uniforms for a struggling family, a heater for a couple doing in tough through winter.
GIVIT looks to support local businesses wherever possible. Where there’s a need that can be met by a local supplier, we spend donated funds in that town. This way we’re not only supporting people in need, but also local businesses who are the beating heart of regional communities.
Here's a snapshot of recent GIVIT donations
After our recent trip across NSW, meeting with local charities and hearing what donations are needed on the ground, GIVIT used 100% of donated funds received to purchase items for those people in need.
Coonamble – In Coonamble, GIVIT arranged vouchers for the hardware store for farmers to purchase vital tools for farm maintenance.
Lightning Ridge – In Lightning Ridge, we met with charities to let them know about the free service GIVIT offers and the assistance we can provide. We also provided grocery vouchers to the local CWA to distribute to people going through a tough time.
Walgett – In Walgett, GIVIT delivered goal post pads, a special donation the community has been hoping for for a long time.
Goodooga – In Goodooga, GIVIT met with local support services and provided grocery vouchers to assist with a local funeral (catering). This donation provided much-needed relief during a very difficult time.
Bourke, Gulargambone and Nyngan – In these communities our team met with local support organisations to let them know about the free service GIVIT offers and the assistance we can provide. We're making sure local support services know about GIVIT's incredible donors!
Support organisations – here's how GIVIT can help you
We urge all NSW charity and community groups to register with GIVIT to access and request items for people in need due to the ongoing drought conditions, and the added impacts of COVID-19.
GIVIT is free, private and easy to use to source donations needed.