Donate stationery & school supplies to Melbourne kids in need
Did you know 1 in 6 children in Australia regularly go without life's basics?
Kids in poverty have a hard start in life. Bridging the gap in essential items, particularly for school donations, gives these kids a stronger quality of life. What seem like small items can lift confidence and create more opportunities for joy in and out of the classroom.
Donate school supplies to kids in Melbourne to ensure that every child receives support. Kids without essential learning tools are more likely to experience:
- poor academic results
- limited job opportunities
- lower income levels
- and potential hardships for future generations
How does GIVIT help kids in poverty in Melbourne?
GIVIT provides essential items and services requested by over 4,800 charities across Australia. When back to school time arrives, charities in Melbourne request help providing both school supplies & items for kids at home. Providing household items such as toy donations or kitchen essentials can bring stability to kids in times of turmoil.
How does GIVIT provide thousands of items a month? With your support! Choosing to donate by funding the item requested or giving the physical item means you’re providing exactly what’s needed for a family struggling to make ends meet. To donate stationery in Melbourne and other items visit our What’ Needed list and use the location filter to view requests from charities in Melbourne.
What support do domestic violence charities in Melbourne need?
Domestic and family violence is one of the many reasons kids in Australia live in poverty. The effects can also lead to long-term mental and physical health challenges, creating barriers to employment and quality of life1.
To help kids in need impacted by DV in Melbourne, use GIVIT to provide exactly what’s needed to help young people recover and give them a better start in life. Providing back to school donations such as backpacks, shoes & schoolbooks will ensure every child, no matter who they are, has what they need to learn at school. Domestic violence charities in Melbourne can register with GIVIT for free and request item donations, so the donor knows exactly how they’re helping a child in need. Donate to kids in Melbourne recovering from domestic violence here.

What are the 4 ways of helping kids who’ve experienced domestic violence?
If you know a child impacted by sexual violence, domestic violence or any abuse-related trauma, it’s difficult to know how to help and distressing for both you and the child. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander2 and LGBTQIA+3 kids have higher rates of DV and will need tailored and appropriate support. Here are four ways to help kids in need:
- Listen. The child should be viewed as a victim in their own right, with their own unique feelings and experiences
- Research trauma-informed help that can be tailored to the child’s experience
- Remember it takes a village to raise a child. Turn to non-violent family members for advice and collaboration
- Collaborate with other services for support.
Read more on the Safe and Equal website. They have valuable resources for people experiencing domestic violence.
A common question answered about donating to kids in need
What are the donation options for back to school items via GIVIT?
What are the donation options for back to school items via GIVIT?
With GIVIT, you can donate your way, either by donating a physical item or funding a request via our website. Below is the difference between each option:
- Donate funding an item: Browse our Back to School what’s needed list and choose a specific requested item or service from the list by clicking ‘FUND’. And that’s it! 100% of your public donation received by GIVIT goes to buying this school item.
- Donate by giving a pre-loved physical item: If you can’t donate money towards a school item like a stationery donation, but you have plenty of school supplies to spare at home, click ‘GIVIT’ to offer to donate a physical item. Submit the donation form and if the charity accepts your donation, they will get in contact to organise delivery.
Reminder – please ensure your physical item is in a good condition you would give to a friend.