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Cancer, drought and unemployment has seen one challenge after another for this young family living in regional NSW.

5 year old has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. A shocking diagnosis that sent the lives of this family into a spin as they were suddenly forced to resign from their jobs, turn their lives upside-down and travel into Westmead Children's Hospital weekly in hope of saving the life of their sweet little girl.
The family have also been hit hard with the impact of drought over recent years, creating a myriad
of challenges and heartache.
Today, the little girl is in remission and travelling only a few times per year into Sydney for her check ups.
She is in need of an iPad to assist with her remote learning needs and Telehealth. As COVID struct, and due to her compromised immune system, she has had to remain in isolation; but remote learning has been hard due to her limited and outdated resources.
Further, in creating greater opportunities for Telehealth, she is remain in her home town and within the comfort of her home, ultimately reducing travel for scans only.


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Geurie NSW 2818

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