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Tropical Cyclone Seroja

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Fuel voucher - $100

Kind lady who was impacted by Cyclone Seroja now has to relocate 8hours away and is in financial hardship.

This kind lady lives on her own trying to rebuild her life.
She lives daily with the pain of lymphoedema in her left leg, osteoarthritis and bursitis which has resulted in having to rethink her work capabilities. In addition, she has suffered with COVID and then shingles since the cyclone which has left her depleted physically and mentally.
Since receiving GIVIT's support to start her small business, her landlord has notified their intention to sell the property. With the lack of rentals in town she can no longer afford to live in the community she loves. Facing the prospect of homelessness, she reached out to friends who have linked her with a house share in the wheat belt. The 8 hour 700km relocation will be challenging for her physically as well as financially for fuel for her truck and groceries to re-establish. Vouchers for fuel and groceries would be the final much appreciated support to make a new life.


Northampton WA 6535

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