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Fund what's needed

Bed pack - quilt, cover, sheets, pillows - double

Single mother with three children lost everything in a house fire

Single mother of three children lost everything in a house fire. The mother received burns to 20% of her body and required numerous skin grafts and over 10 days in hospital to receive further care. Whilst she was in hospital, she contracted Covid which has impacted her care and recovery. Whilst in hospital her three children were placed in short term foster care as they had nowhere else to go. We have found her a new place to move into, but as she has no furniture etc her children cannot be returned back to her, which is causing even more trauma. She relies on only Centrelink payments and does not receive any child maintenance payments for her children. On top of all of this, it' Christmas and no funds to even set herself up in a house let along to buy gifts for her children


Dandenong VIC 3175

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